Category: Environment

And in case you missed it, this is a TED talk by Alan Savory, “the man who killed 40,000 elephants,” in a misguided attempt to save the grasslands. “There is ONLY ONE OPTION left to climatologists and scientists…and that is to do the unthinkable and to use livestock bunched and moving as a proxy for former herds and predators and mimic nature. There is no other alternative left to mankind,” ~ Alan Savory
Beef: The REAL Health Food, Peter Ballerstedt


Adele Hite, of the Healthy Nation Coalition, is petitioning the agencies responsible for setting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to give us guidelines that actually serve the American people. The advice we’ve been given for the last 30 plus years has been a disastrous failure. Now is the time to speak up or we will likely be saddled with more of the same for the next five years. We must reach 1,000 signatures by December 31, 2014. Please sign and forward this to all your…

KETO CLARITY The partnership between Jimmy Moore and Dr. Eric Westman reminds me a little of the relationship between Charles Darwin and Thomas Henry Huxley, who was known as “Darwin’s Bulldog.” Darwin provided the science; Huxley defended and popularized it. Jimmy is more like a big, lovable, puppy dog than a bulldog, but his communication skills and status as a social-media celebrity make him the perfect spokesman and n=1 test subject for the low-carb guru who inherited Dr. Atkins’s mantle after his untimely, accidental death.…

Yesterday was a bad news day. It came from multiple sources, including this from AOL News: “USDA guidelines target ‘unhealthy lifestyle’… ‘the new guidelines call for a shift to a more plant-based diet…’ Good Morning America went into more detail as to what we can expect from the next food pyramid due out later this year. In order to combat obesity, which the show’s host called “the single greatest threat to health in this century,” (at least she got that right) they are recommending that…
BLOG FODDER: Fat Saves the World and Other News

I’ve collected quite a bit of blog fodder over the summer. Here’s a start at catching up. FAT SAVES THE WORLD A dairy nutrition expert from Australia claims to have found a way to reduce the methane output from one source of greenhouse gasses—cows. The secret is to feed them a higher-fat diet. Chris Grainger, of the Department of Primary Industries, said that he and scientists from Canada and New Zealand discovered that they could reduce the greenhouse gas flatulence from cows by feeding them…
SUMMER ADVENTURES: Alaska, Canada, and Home Again

(#8 in a series that started on July 22nd at: ) We took the float plane back to King Salmon and then flew to Yakutat, our last stop in Alaska before crossing into Canada. Dean (top) and Ron pumping self-serve jet fuel in Yakutat. “Food, Shelter, Booze” at the Yakutat Airport We passed up the fine dining offered at the airport in favor of sack lunches from the Lodge—sandwiches, chips, and oranges. Dean and I supplemented the ham and cheese from our sandwiches with…
SUMMER ADVENTURES: Glacier Bay and the Kahsteen

We left the Gustavus Inn to join Captain Mike Nigro on the Kahsteen, his 42-foot charter boat, for a two-day excursion in the Glacier Bay Wildlife Preserve. Captain Mike named the Kahsteen after a Tlingit woman who sacrificed herself to save her clan after a young girl foolishly called down the glacier. Someone had to stay behind when the glacier came looking for the person who called it. They believed that Kahsteen continued to live under the glacier and that the sparkles in the water…
Still Here

I’m still here, just working on a number of things that are taking longer than I expected. In the meantime, here are a few terrific articles that you can check out from other blogs: I loved Regina Wilshire’s post called “The Solar Powered Plate.” in which she explains why vegetarians actually use more of the Earth’s resources than meat eaters. Dr. McCleary’s Website has been given a make-over and he is posting more often. His site is a treasure trove of wisdom and science.…
And Bon Appétit to you too!

One of the perks of belonging to the International Association of Culinary Professionals is that people give you things. I’ve had an expensive skillet, a top-of-the-line chef’s knife, magazines, and lots of other goodies show up, gratis. Bon Appétit, one magazine I often buy (don’t tell them), now materializes unbidden in my mailbox. Don’t let that stack of syrupy pancakes on the cover fool you; the February issue of Bon Appétit magazine got it mostly right. The cover says “The Green Issue / Feel Good…