Dr. Davis has succeeded in drawing attention to the dangers of wheat and the benefits of a low-carb diet beyond what I thought possible. He builds a convincing case against this new plant that he says shouldn’t even be called “wheat,” and he documents most of his arguments with supportive research. I was already avoiding most grains and decided to eliminate wheat after reading Wheat Belly. I have been following a low-carb lifestyle and writing about it for over 13 years, so it wasn’t a radical change…

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VALIDATION: Peter Reinhart

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   Gluten-free products, recipes, and cookbooks are everywhere these days, but most of them just sub high-carb starches like potato, corn, tapioca, and rice for wheat, rye, and barley. The cookbook above is different. You can’t read the subtitle very well here, but it says, “80 Low-carb Recipes that Offer Solutions for Celiac Disease, Diabetes, and Weight Loss.” It was written by Peter Reinhart and Denene Wallace. Peter Reinhart is a world-class expert on bread and baking. Mario Batali called him the Leonardo da Vinci of bread. He has written nine books, including The Bread Baker’s Apprentice,…

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Breakfast Bites from Louise’s Foods Little bags of tasty, grain-free cereal and granola from a company called FlaxGold were included in the swag bags everyone received at check-in on the last Low-Carb Cruise. The main ingredient was, as you may have guessed, flax. Flax has become popular in diet foods where it is used to lower the calories and increase the fiber. It is also used as a zero-carb thickener and flour substitute in low-carb recipes and flax oil is sold as an omega-3 supplement. Many low-carbers are eating flax in…

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