Category: Sweets and Treats
Pecan Bark

I’ve been looking through my books and blog posts to see which recipes are already low in vitamin A and which can be easily altered. This one is a winner. It is highly adaptable for everyone with dietary restrictions so we can all have candy for the holidays! You can substitute any nut or seed butter for the coconut manna in the original recipe, just be sure you get one that is not too thin. Almond butter, pecan butter, macadamia butter, etc. are good choices.…

A Personal Story: A close relative called me recently to tell me that her husband had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and was rapidly getting worse. His doctor told them there was no cure and recommended he take Aricept, a drug that he said would not stop the progression of the disease, but might help him function slightly better than he would without it. The prescription was very expensive and she asked if I knew anything about it and if I thought it was worth…
LETTER FROM PARADISE, PART 2, and Hawaiian Coconut Dessert

Family trip to Kauai, 50th Anniversary, Hawaiian recipes: Chocolate Macadamias and Shave Ice. So much catching up to do! I came back from a family trip to Hawaii with stories to tell and ideas to share. Dean and I celebrated our 50th anniversary in June and our kids treated us to a party while we were all together on Kauai. My husband put together a slide show hitting some of the high points of our life together; some that even our kids didn’t know about…

“Eton Mess” is one of those silly names the English have for homey dishes, like Toad in a Hole (sausages cooked in popover batter), Bubble and Squeak (fried mashed potatoes with cabbage), Spotted Dick (boiled pudding with raisins), and Wet Nelly (bread pudding). One story says the name originated at Eton college when a dog sat on a picnic basket that contained a strawberry meringue cake. The resulting mess was so delicious, they’ve been squashing them ever since. ETON MESS Try this with cooked rhubarb or a mixture of rhubarb and strawberries…

Kumquats are usually hard to find and expensive, but I found some on sale at a local Asian market at a very good price. I like to use them in recipes that call for citrus zest because it is so much easier—you just pull out the pulp and use the whole, sweet skin as you would orange or lemon zest. (Most citrus fruits have a thin, outer layer of rind called the zest, a thick, inner layer of bitter, white pith, and sweet, juicy flesh.…

“A truly dramatic shift in Americans’ eating behavior is playing out in the area of fat consumption. Animal fats, demonized for decades as prime contributors to obesity and heart disease, are being rehabilitated as new research calls their culpability into question. The emerging generation of Millennial consumers has embraced animal fats for their chemical-free purity, and at the same time the Food and Drug Administration has outlawed artificial, plant-based trans fats. The net result is a big, fat renaissance for classic ingredients like butter, lard,…

You could be eating ooey, gooey, chocolatey cake in a matter of minutes! Ingredients: 2 tablespoons almond flour 1 tablespoon coconut flour 1 tablespoon cocoa powder ½ teaspoon baking powder A pinch of salt 1 large egg 1 tablespoon Natural Mate,* equal to 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon melted butter or coconut oil ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons sugar-free chocolate chips 2 tablespoons additional sugar-free chocolate chips for topping Whipped cream or ice cream and berries for garnish, optional Directions: Combine almond and coconut…

If you think hot, crisp waffles, topped with butter and thick, sweet maple syrup are off the table on a low-carb diet, I’ve got good news for you! LOW CARB MAPLE SYRUP This simple, no-cook faux maple syrup adds the final touch for my new waffles. The syrup becomes thicker and clearer after it stands; make it first so you will have it on hand when you get the urge to indulge. Ingredients: 1/3 cup Natural Mate,* equal to 2/3 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum…