Adele Hite, of the Healthy Nation Coalition, is petitioning the agencies responsible for setting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to give us guidelines that actually serve the American people. The advice we’ve been given for the last 30 plus years has been a disastrous failure. Now is the time to speak up or we will likely be saddled with more of the same for the next five years. We must reach 1,000 signatures by December 31, 2014. Please sign and forward this to all your contacts! You can also leave a comment along with your name. My comment is at the end of this post. ~~ Judy Barnes Baker
Author: Adele Hite
Target: Tom Vilsack (Secretary of USDA); Sylvia Mathews Burwell (Secretary of DHHS)
“At the conclusion of the sixth meeting of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC), we write to express concern about the state of federal nutrition policy and its long history of failure in preventing the increase of chronic disease in America. The tone, tenor, and content of the DGAC’s public meetings to date suggest that the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) will perpetuate the same ineffective federal nutrition guidance that has persisted for nearly four decades but has not achieved positive health outcomes for the American public.
We urge you to adhere to the initial Congressional mandate that the DGA act as “nutritional and dietary information and guidelines for the general public” and are “based on the preponderance of the scientific and medical knowledge which is current at the time the report is prepared.
Below we lay out specific objections to the DGA:…Continue reading and add your name here:
Below is the comment that I put in the petition along with my signature ~ JBB:
“Recent research is showing that a low-carb, high-fat diet may have benefits beyond rapid weight loss for anyone who wants to slow aging; improve athletic performance; reverse type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; prevent heart disease, cancer, and stroke; treat epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, bipolar disorder, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, mental illness, depression, polycystic ovary syndrome; and much more.
Americans are eating 30% more calories than we did 30 years ago when our government and health agencies first recommended that we cut down on fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol and eat more carbohydrates. Our duel epidemics of obesity and diabetes were the predictable outcome. (Carbs stimulate the release of insulin; insulin increases hunger.)
The medical establishment backed itself into a corner with their advice on nutrition. There are only three macronutrients: fat, protein, and carbohydrates. If you eat less of one, you must eat more of another or lower your calorie intake across the board. They have demonized fat, so they can’t recommend more fat without contradicting themselves; adequate protein is important, but it can have negative effects when eaten in excess; and eating fewer calories slows down your metabolism to conserve stored body fat, leading to weight gain.
A person who is 50 pounds overweight is wearing enough calories to live on for 6 months. So why does a fat person get hungry? A ketogenic diet, low in carbohydrates and high in natural fat, resets your metabolism to burn fat for energy instead of burning sugar and preserving the body’s fat stores. According to Dr. Eric Westman of Duke University, after three weeks on a ketogenic diet, we should be satisfied on one meal a day without hunger. Think of the implications! How much time and energy would be saved if we prepared food once a day rather than three, four, or more times? How much less waste and garbage would we make? How much less fuel would we use for shopping and cooking and how much less would be needed for growing, transporting, processing, and packaging our food? How much less fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide, and greenhouse gas would go into the environment? How many fewer rain forests and grasslands would be destroyed to make room for more and more mono-crops to feed our exploding population and expanding bodies?
If the ketogenic diet catches on, it could have the same effect as cutting the world’s current number of mouths to be fed from 7 billion to 2½ billion. It could save, not just the lives and health of millions of people, but our very planet.” ~~ Judy Barnes Baker
PS: They took out the paragraph returns on my comment on the petition site. It would probably be better to limit your comment to one paragraph so it won’t all run together like mine did.
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(c) 2014, Judy Barnes Baker,
Can you comment on the science behind Intermittent Fasting use in fat loss?
Catcher in my Eye: The forewords in all my books contain the basic facts for doing a low-carb diet. "Nourished" consists of recipes in a menu format so you can have a full day of delicious food for a total of 20 to 50 grams of carbs per day, which is considered the ketogenic range. I also list other resources and books that you can consult for more information.
Dr. Bernstien's "The Diabetic Solution," is a must-read for those with diabetes.
The Nutrition and Metabolism Society's website is a great resource for anyone starting this way of eating.
JImmy Moore also has tons of info on his site at Live'n La Vida Low Carb.
Good luck and thanks for the comment!
I like what you say about sugar bing the new FAT! I agree. Sugar blurs my eyes as soon as I eat it! I feel the negative effects of sugar immediately so I avoid but rice and pasta and even crackers are a problem for me…
Where can I find your diet???
Re the first Anonymous comment (I have my answers in the wrong order–sorry about that): Yes, I've seen it and agree that it is terrific! Thanks for bringing it up for those who may have missed it.
And you are welcome. I'm glad to know that my work is appreciated!
Anonymous: Thanks for the info and the link!
Feinman the Other: chart, increasing change (decline) in red meat.
Good to show to the public.
Red meat consumption in US, according to a recent article, is about 8 oz per week or less.
Have you seen this great article by Feinman?
Judy, thanks for all you do!