Category: Low Glycemic

SOCCA, HOT OUT OF THE OVEN, IN NICE, ON THE FRENCH RIVIERA Photo: Myrabella / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-3.0 & GFDL Socca, (c) 2015, Photo by Judy Barnes Baker Socca, (c) 2015, Photo by Judy Barnes Baker Socca is a flatbread traditionally made from garbanzo bean flour, the kind used to make Papadams. (Hear me out before you say, “No, no, I don’t eat beans!”) The cuisines of India, Algeria, Italy, France, and most of the countries that border on the Mediterranean all have their own…

You may have heard that ninety percent of the cells in our bodies do not share our DNA. We are mutually dependent on the billions of microbes that live in us, on us, and around us. We were never meant to live in a sterile world. These friendly aliens must be nurtured, tended, and replenished if we want them to stick around. Many foods contain a kind of starch that is not digested by human enzymes so it survives until it reaches the colon, where it…

Yacon (smallanthus sonchifolius), a member of the sunflower family and a relative of the Jerusalem artichoke, has been cultivated by the Inca in Peru for hundreds of years. The edible part, which looks like sweet potatoes, is very low in carbs and low on the glycemic index. The tubers can be cooked and eaten as a vegetable or eaten fresh like a fruit. Some describe the taste as being like a cross between apples and potatoes; others describe it as a combination of apples and…

Gnudi © 2008 Gnudi with Browned Butter Sauce © 2008 I spent a lot of time on this recipe a while back but never published it on my blog. It was luscious, gorgeous, and very easy, so why didn’t it make the cut? Because I couldn’t figure out a way to do an accurate nutrition count. I decided to post it anyway and see if anyone out there could come up with a solution (other than actually paying to have the final dish analyzed,…

The word “custard” doesn’t prepare you for the beautiful, brown, cheesy crust. I could have called this Macaroni and Cheese Soufflé (it tastes like one, but that makes it sound much harder to make than it is), or Crustless Macaroni and Cheese Quiche (no improvement over the first title), or Cheese Puff (sounds too much like Cheetos®). Whatever you call it, I know you are going to love this versatile macaroni and cheese dish: it can be served for breakfast; as the main course for…
The Scientific Evidence in Favor of Low Carb for the Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes Continues to Build

The American Diabetes Association has opened the floodgates by finally admitting that low-carbohydrate diets are “as effective for weight management as low-fat.” This dramatic turn-around was part of its 2008 clinical practice recommendations. The headline on Adam Campbell’s story about the ADA’s lukewarm endorsement was, “Apparently, Hell Just Froze Over.” Here’s the link for Adam’s article: Now that people have officially been given permission to try a diet that naturally lowers blood glucose and insulin levels, there will be no going back. It will…