I knew if I waited a day or so, someone would save me the trouble of dissecting the latest re-meat-will-kill-you scare story. http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/archinternmed.2011.2287. I wasn’t disappointed! I’ve listed links to some of the best responses below.
The study that made the national headlines was just another questionnaire-based, epidemiological study (at best, they only show that two things happen together–they tell you nothing about cause and effect). The only thing I’d like to add on the subject is that for a year or so, I was a contributor for a major data-collecting company. (A weak moment led me to take pity on a nice lady who was trying to make her quota of sign-ups.)
When she gave me the instructions for filling out the forms, she told me, “if none of the answers fits, just pick one.” They sent me $5 for every completed questionnaire. More often than not, the truth was not among the multiple choice answers, and there was seldom even a “not applicable” option. They usually asked me to recall and describe in detail such things as where I ate and how much I spent and what I spent it on in the last week, month, or year. (I’m doing well to remember what I had for breakfast this morning!) I finally became so frustrated that I quit returning the forms. I didn’t want anyone making ANY decisions based on my default answers.
I’ve listed the response from Denise Minger first, in case you don’t have time to read them all. (Yes, the study has been Mingered!)
(c) 2012, Judy Barnes Baker,www.carbwars.blogspot.com
I would agree that the humane treatment of animals is absolutely required and should be demanded by every living person in the world. There is nothing inhumane in the predator/prey relationship humanity holds over its dominion. It’s a natural order. The issue is that humanity is unnaturally altering the natural order of the food-chain by the artificial culturing of genetically enhanced flesh-food. We pump live animals with chemicals to make them bigger to meet supply demands. THAT is inhumane. But it doesn’t validate an argument to defy my body’s dietary requirement for meat and I am not upset enough to unbalance the order of my natural eating habits.
Personal opinion. What say you? Pontificate if you must, but riddle me this: On the topic of morality, is it inhumane for other carnivorous animals like tigers, lions, hyenas, crocodiles, or even your family dog or cat to eat meat? Is it not natural?
Judy, thanks for posting this! I've also been a part of a study through a Mayo Clinic Doctor I went to see for a very rare condition. I had the same problem. None of the questions applied, and the information he was collecting was not truthful. I finally stopped sending him the questionares. I thought, if this is how they do a "study" then they are never getting the truth. They didn't ask the correct questions or give you any other way to tell them what was really going on. In fact I wrote a letter to him explaining some of the supplements I was taking that indeed helped me not have to use the medicines he gave me anymore and he wrote back pretty much poo-pooing that and continued to send questionares that made it look like his treatment had helped me. I don't at all have a lot of faith in "studies" after that.