Dr. Eades mentioned in his blog a few days ago that he and his wife use the soda water button on pop dispensers for a sugar-free, carbonated drink at restaurants. He even included a picture of the little button so you’ll know what to look for: http://www.proteinpower.com/drmike/photo-diet-diary/photo-food-diary-tuesday-dec-2-2008/. I usually use the plain water button that is on most soft drink dispensers, but I never noticed one marked “soda.” I think this is a great idea. Many restaurants provide lemon slices on the counter along with the straws and napkins, especially if tea is one of the choices, so now that I know the trick, I can make a healthful, “real” soft drink (similar to Sprite or Seven Up), without aspartame or high-fructose corn syrup. I’ll just squeeze a couple of lemon slices in a glass, add a Splenda tab or two, and fill it with carbonated water. (I assume I’ll still have to pay for a beverage, but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask if there is a charge for soda water.) Thanks for the tip, Dr. Mike!
Also, don’t miss this blog by Mark Sisson at Mark’s Daily Apple http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ about whether or not to get a flu shot. He also has some good thoughts about how to keep your immune system working effectively.