Way back in 2008, Dr. Michael Eades posted an article about resistant starch. I asked him a question and now every time someone posts a comment on that story, I get an e-mail notice. Yesterday the comment below popped up in my in-box. I want to repeat it here because I doubt that many people will find it since it is on an old blog post and doesn’t have much to do with the topic of resistant starch.
I don’t know who Mary Lee is, so I have not asked her permission to use her story, but since it was a public post, I don’t think she will object if I repeat part of it here. It is typical of what I hear over and over from those who have diabetes.
“There is a new comment on the post “Resistant starch”. http://www.proteinpower.com/drmike/metabolism/resistant-starch/
Author: MaryLee
“…I started eating very low carb after running out of my Humalog insulin (I was a type II diabetic with poor control on all meds). I tried to eat things to not raise my blood sugar and came upon Atkins-like eating … I started losing weight and got scared … I had an extra 40 pounds to spare so it wasn’t a problem.
Two months after feeling good and not spiking any blood sugars (a new thing for me), I had blood work done. My A1C was in normal range … not just for a diabetic … but actually ‘normal’ … my cholesterol had dropped into normal range (it had been high for 20 years and I didn’t want to take meds for it).
I had my food log and my results of blood sugar testing (I did 10 a day to see what reaction to the food I was eating had).
My doctor, who had told me to not eat eggs, red meat, etc. because of the high cholesterol, said after we went over my blood tests and I told her what I’d been doing …. “That works for some diabetics.”
I had NEVER been told about this way to control my blood sugar … in 25 years of type II diabetes … the dietitians I was sent to always had the standard diabetic pyramid and I followed it and took my meds and my A1C was always between 8 and 9. I was 100 pounds overweight off and on throughout those years. I was basically not believed [when I said] that I measured my portions and took my pills/then insulin as directed.
The other benefit I got from the low carb eating is that the neuropathy in my lower legs and feet that I was told was permanent but we could keep it from getting worse … is gone… I have full feeling in my legs and toes and never want to get the little pin prick toe test again .. because I feel it now.…”
Thanks for sharing your story, Mary Lee, and congratulations on discovering the solution for your diabetes. It is tragic that it took 25 years and that you had to find it on your own.
© 2011, Judy Barnes Baker, author, Carb Wars; Sugar is the New Fat
Thanks for sharing this story. I have a friend who is a Type II diabetic & has lost part of a toe, is on a whole host of meds (including Lyrica for his neuropathy) and still buys the dietary song & dance. I just shake my head sadly, knowing he won't hear that his doctor just doesn't know what he's doing to his patients with the dietary pyramid. And, of course, he won't listen to me – what do I know, I'm not a registered dietitian!
You shared a great story. Very enlightening for those who are not very familiar of the culprits of diabetes.