Breaking news: Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It by Gary Taubes, the author of The New York Times best seller Good Calories, Bad Calories, is due out on December 28.
Go to Amazon right this instant and order this book! The pre-publication sales have already reached 6,748 in books on Amazon’s website, and that number will skyrocket as the word gets around that it is available. All the sales that are placed for a book prior to publication will vest on the day it is released, so all our orders will be counted on December 28. (The rank for book sales is determined by the total number of orders placed in the least amount of time.) Let’s make this book open on The New York Times Best Seller List as NUMBER ONE! That should get some attention, don’t you think?
Here are the advance reviews for the book:
“In the New York Times best seller Good Calories, Bad Calories, acclaimed science writer Gary Taubes argues that certain kinds of carbohydrates—not fats and not simply excess calories—have led to our current obesity epidemic. Now he brings that message to a wider, nonscientific audience in this exciting new book. Persuasively argued, straightforward, practical, and with fresh evidence for Taubes’s claim, Why We Get Fat makes his critical argument newly accessible.Taubes reveals the bad nutritional science of the last century—none more damaging than the “calories-in, calories-out” model of why we get fat—and the good science that has been ignored, especially regarding insulin’s regulation of our fat tissue. He also answers key questions: Why are some people thin and others fat? What roles do exercise and genetics play in our weight? What foods should we eat or avoid?”
Gary Taubes is a correspondent for Science magazine; his writing has also appeared in The Atlantic and The New York Times Magazine. He has received three Science in Society Journalism Awards from the National Association of Science Writers, the only print journalist so recognized. He is currently a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Investigator at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health.
(C) 2010, Judy Barnes Baker
Carb Wars; Sugar is the New Fat
It would indeed be cool! Good Calories, Bad Calories is still selling well, but Gary says the new one will be something that won't intimidate your grandmother–less technical and only about 200 pages. It's nice to have a choice with the two versions.
Judy, I've certainly gone ahead and pre-ordered Gary's new book. Wouldn't it be cool to see it shoot up to number one! Though "Good Calories, Bad Calories" is such an awesome book it's hard to see how it can be topped.
Hi Jimmy.
My interview with Dr. Su will appear on his site at on November 7th.
I'd LOVE to be on your show, thank you so much for the invitation! I hope to announce a publication date for the new book soon.
Hey Judy, I saw that you will be a guest on Dr. Robert Su's "Carbohydrates Can Kill" podcast. CONGRATULATIONS! I'd STILL love to have you come on my show sometime when your new book is set to be released. Lemme know if you are interested. E-mail me at 🙂