I’m not a follower of the Dr. Oz daytime television show, but I won’t miss it today because Gary Taubes, author of Good Calories, Bad Calories and Why We Get Fat, is scheduled to appear. The promo for the show says, “The man who thinks everything Dr. Oz says is wrong.” It is scheduled to air at 3:00 PM today on the West Coast, but check your local listing for the channel and time in your area.
(C) 2011, Judy Barnes Baker, Carb Wars; Sugar is the New Fat
I just checked Gary's rating on Amazon and it is 53 (that's out of about 6 million books), so not bad. I wish I had thought to check right after the show. So, it looks like it may have backfired for Oz, who did his best to make low-carb look disgusting and dangerous.
I DVRd this and just watched it. I admire Taubes for putting himself in this position. I thought he did an amazing job given the kind of person Dr. Oz is. Hopefully some people watching will have discovered that Dr. Oz's advice doesn't work for them so they'll read Taubes' new book.
Thanks Judy