My son sent me this picture of some un-scary pumpkins. They have nothing to do with this post, but they are cute and seasonal, so I thought I would include them.
Are you a fan of Jimmy Moore’s Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Blog and podcast? Jimmy is the hardest working blogger I know and one of the best interviewers in the business. He has a knack for getting all the people you want to hear to talk to him. He’s always polite, but he’s not afraid to ruffle some feathers when necessary.
Jimmy’s podcasts are free, but he is adding Premium Content for those who sign up for his special fan club. The official kick off for the club will be December 1st, 2010, but there are some pretty serious perks for those who register early. Those who sign up before 12:59 PM on Sunday, October 31st (ah, there is a Halloween connection, after all!), will get $20.00 off the regular price. Plus they will get one free month, and the first 50 people to register will receive e-copies of both Jimmy’s books as a bonus. Read more here: The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show Fan Club.
What I like best about the fan club is that members will have access to transcripts of the podcasts. If you are like me, you don’t always have time to listen to the shows in one sitting, but with transcripts I can read at my leisure and go back and find a passage that I want to double check or quote without having to listen all the way through again.
So remember, the deadline for early registration is Halloween night at the witching hour!
(C) 2010, Judy Barnes Baker
Yeah, sounds great to me. I'm more of a reader than a listener, and have trouble listening to podcasts. I had asked Jimmy one time about transcripts, but at the time it was not anything on the horizon.