Nina Teicholz (author of The Big Fat Surprise) testified before congress and fought hard to get them to require the National Academy of Health to review the scientific basis for the Dietary Guidelines for Americas.

On September 1st, the committee will meet to review the current processes for each of the following:

How the advisory committee selection process can be improved to provide more transparency, eliminate bias, and include committee members with a range of viewpoints;

How the Nutrition Evidence Library (NEL) is compiled and utilized, including whether NEL reviews and other systematic reviews and data analysis are conducted according to rigorous and objective scientific standards;

How systematic reviews are conducted on long-standing DGA recommendations, including whether scientific studies are included from scientists with a range of viewpoints; and

How the DGA can better prevent chronic disease, ensure nutritional sufficiency for all Americans, and accommodate a range of individual factors, including age, gender, and metabolic health.”

Please, please take the time to speak out. The committee is accepting public comments from now until August 28th.That is just 10 days away! Leave your own feedback about how the system can be improved and share this message with all your contacts.

Read the Review of the Process to Update the Dietary Guidelines for Americans here and leave your comments: http://www.nationalacademies.org/hmd/Activities/Nutrition/DietaryGuidelinesforAmericans.aspx

The first set of dietary guidelines from our government came out in the early 1980s. They recommended a low-fat diet with most of its calories coming from carbohydrates and grains and replacing saturated fats with vegetable oils. Subsequent guidelines have changed very little in the last 40 years. Here is a graph that shows how much they have improved the health of Americans:

Dietary Guidelines DGAs Rates-of-obesity-in-the-US

Ben Fury posted a month of DGA-guided “healthy” breakfast menus for school children here. Does the DGA committee really think anyone, let alone someone who is overweight, diabetic, or metabolically challenged (in other words, the majority of Americans!), should eat a breakfast of “fruit strudel, fruit yogurt, granola bar, banana, cereal, and 1% chocolate milk”? Or, “bean and cheese burrito, fruit juice, 1% milk, and cereal”? Or, “banana bread, fruit, cereal, and 1% chocolate milk?”

Thank you, Nina for giving us this opportunity. I hope it is a game changer!

(c) 2016, Judy Barnes Baker, www.carbwarscookbooks.com

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Judy Barnes Baker

The working title for my first book was, “You’ll Never Know What You Are Missing.” It summed up my goal: to make eating for health synonymous with eating for pleasure. Once you discover the secret, you will find that the very best food for weight management, longevity, the treatment and prevention of disease, and over-all health and happiness is also the most sumptuous, satisfying, and indulgent way of eating the world has to offer. You are invited to the feast. Enjoy!
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David. Boothman
David. Boothman
8 years ago

As a first step with no investigation or planning, eliminate the Guidelines and apologize. Next step is to interview people born before 1940 for advice on what used to be thought if as an acceptable diet. This will capture some of the advice of science and medical professionals of the time who are now deceased. Why is it unlikely this advice will be followed? Hubris, credentialitis and delusions of competence. What will happen is a continual slide by accredited nutrition into disrepute followed by Max Planck’s inevitable conclusion. Think this is extreme condemnation of those responsible? We are talking of people who believed for decades that eating fat would make one fat. This is just as foolish as thinking eating Albert Einstein would make one smart and points to the total lack of understanding of the core role of metabolism.

Phil Dano
Phil Dano
8 years ago

That chart is meaningless and does not establish causation.