NOURISHED; A Cookbook for Health, Weight Loss, and Metabolic Balance

NOURISHED is available in print format with a free Matchbook offer or as a Kindle from Amazon > on the Kindle version to see the free offer.)
“Nourished,” is also available in Nook format from Barnes and Noble

I am very pleased to say that my new book is going to make its belated appearance soon. If you have been following this saga, the first thing you may notice is that the title has changed. After my interview with Jimmy Moore, one of my recipe testers contacted me to say that when she searched for the original title, Eating on the Edge, something totally different came up—a line of low-fat products and a book that had just come out. To avoid confusion, I changed my title to what you see above. The silver lining is that I like the new title better. (One person told me Eating on the Edge sounded like going to the jungle to eat bugs and worms, while Nourished sounds warm and comforting.) We are planning to celebrate the launch with a promotional event including some really great prizes. Details will be forthcoming.

Meanwhile, check out Dr. Feinman’s blog to see what a REAL Mediterranean diet looks like. He included a couple of recipes from Nourished as examples.

(c) 2011, Judy Barnes Baker,

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Judy Barnes Baker

The working title for my first book was, “You’ll Never Know What You Are Missing.” It summed up my goal: to make eating for health synonymous with eating for pleasure. Once you discover the secret, you will find that the very best food for weight management, longevity, the treatment and prevention of disease, and over-all health and happiness is also the most sumptuous, satisfying, and indulgent way of eating the world has to offer. You are invited to the feast. Enjoy!
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Judy Barnes Baker
13 years ago

Yes, indeed! I'm working on getting the e-book out as soon as possible. I hope to have it out by January 1st, but it may take a little longer. It's always hard to get anything done over the holidays.

I agree – paperless is the way of the future.

Baron Von Cruzer
13 years ago

Any ebook plans? I'm pretty much reluctant to buy any publications on paper any more.

Jimmy Moore
13 years ago

CONGRATULATIONS Judy!!! I just blogged about your new cookbook being available now:

I look forward to checking it out myself and reviewing it soon. Again, great job my friend! So proud of you!!!

Judy Barnes Baker
13 years ago

Hi Geoff.

It's comments like yours that keep me going. Thanks.

Geoff Grinnell
Geoff Grinnell
13 years ago

Judy, The cover and title are absolutely perfect. And if this follows the path you laid in "Carb Wars" then this too will be a must have for the low carb bookshelf! I have test baked for a new low carb company in the past and look forward to this new book and trying your recipes.

Judy Barnes Baker
13 years ago

To rosepedalz:
Thanks Stephanie. I couldn't have done it without your help!

Judy Barnes Baker
13 years ago

Thanks, Jennifer! Your new book, Low-Carbing Among Friends, also looks great! I'm enjoying my copy and looking forward to trying some of the recipes. Congratulations on a job well done.

13 years ago

I can't wait to get this book on my shelf.

13 years ago

Your cover is beautiful, Judy. It looks very professional.