I guarantee that you will have no left-overs. No matter how many I make, it is never enough! 

2 large white onions, 3 and 1/2- to 4-inches in diameter
1 and 1/2 pounds sugar-free bacon (24 slices), regular, not thick sliced
Freshly-ground black pepper to taste

Peel onions down far enough to remove all the tough, thin, outer layers. You will need just the largest slices. Reserve the rest for another purpose. Cut onions in half around the equator. Cut 2 slices, each 1/2-inch wide, from each half so you have 4 center slices from each onion. Push out the centers from the slices leaving the 4 outermost rings in place. Separate them into 2 rings that are each 2 layers thick. Be careful to keep the 2 layers of each slice intact. You should now have 8 onion rings from each onion for a total of 16 double-layered rings.

Wrap each of the 16 rings with raw bacon. It will take about a slice and a half for each one, more or less, depending on the size. Overlap the bacon slices slightly as you wrap and tuck the ends under to secure. You may use wooden picks or skewers if it makes it easier, but the bacon tends to stick to its self so you may not need them. The bacon will tighten and shrink as it cooks and that helps hold it together too. Refrigerate until ready to cook.

Preheat the oven to 275 degrees F. Place the wrapped onion rings on a greased rack set on a rimmed baking sheet. Grind black pepper over rings and place in oven. Bake for 60 to 90 minutes or until onions are soft and bacon is cooked. Turn heat up to 350 degrees F for a few minutes to crisp or run under the broiler briefly, if desired. Time will vary depending on your oven. (Be careful when removing pan from oven as it will contain very hot grease. Use both hands to lift the pan so the grease doesn’t spill or spoon off some of the fat before attempting to remove pan.)

Serve as an appetizer or snack with low-carb barbecue sauce, ketchup, ranch dressing, Dijon mustard, or Siracha hot sauce for dipping.

Recipe adapted from one by John Thomas on his BBQ blog at Thank you, John!

Makes 8 serving of 2 onion rings each.
Calories: 128; Fat: 9.1g; Protein: 7g; Carbs: 5.4g; Fiber: 1g; Net Carbs: 4.3g

~Using single- rather than double-layered onion rings will cut the carbs in half, but they will be a little more fragile.

~The onion rings can be deep fried at 325 degrees F until crisp rather than oven baked.

~To learn why here’s no such thing as nitrite-free bacon and why it doesn’t matter anyway:

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“Nourished; a Cookbook for Health, Weight Loss, and Metabolic Balance” is available in print or Kindle with a $2.99 Matchbook offer >

“Nourished,” is also available in Nook format from Barnes and Noble >

Review: “The recipes in ‘Nourished’ promote effortless weight loss without hunger or deprivation. They can be combined to provide a full day of delicious food that totals between 20 and 50 grams of digestible carbohydrates. Substantial scientific evidence indicates that this range keeps insulin levels low enough to provide a metabolic advantage for weight loss, to prevent and reverse the complications of diabetes and many other disorders, and to reduce or eliminate the need for medications.”

(c) 2014, Judy Barnes Baker,

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Judy Barnes Baker

The working title for my first book was, “You’ll Never Know What You Are Missing.” It summed up my goal: to make eating for health synonymous with eating for pleasure. Once you discover the secret, you will find that the very best food for weight management, longevity, the treatment and prevention of disease, and over-all health and happiness is also the most sumptuous, satisfying, and indulgent way of eating the world has to offer. You are invited to the feast. Enjoy!
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Judy Barnes Baker
9 years ago

Glad you liked them, Rachel Page! Hmm, think I need to go make some–now!

Rachel Page
9 years ago

Crispy and very attractive onion rings, prefect for rainy evening snacks.

Judy Barnes Baker
10 years ago

littlered, no I don't have a print button. I'm not very techie and would have to hire someone to redesign my site to add one. You can copy the text and paste it onto another page and print that, I think.

10 years ago

Is there a print button somewhere that I am missing?

Kat Sheldon
10 years ago

Im going to try these great for a diabetic no carbs, breading…yummo

Kat Sheldon
10 years ago

i want to try these sounds good for a diabetic no bread… yummo

10 years ago

Wowzers, Judy!! This is an AWESOME idea!