Low carb recipes and insights plus some of the 236 exclusive recipes contained in Judy Barnes Baker‘s book “Nourished” and some from “Carb Wars” are shared here. Our dietary choices play a major role in our modern plagues, in other words—IT’S ALL ABOUT THE FOOD—but don’t worry, you will not find even a hint of deprivation or austerity here! Once you discover the secret, you will find that the very best food for weight management, longevity, the treatment and prevention of disease, and over-all health and happiness is also the most sumptuous, satisfying, and indulgent way of eating the world has to offer. You are invited to the feast. Learn more about the low carb lifestyle, get the latest research and discover new recipes on this blog.

USA Book News Awards
Carb Wars; Sugar is the New Fat has been named as one of the finalists in the USA Best Book Awards of 2007 in the Health, Diet, and Weight Loss category. You can ...

The Best Anti-wrinkle Treatment Money Can’t Buy.
I came across an article in Harper’s Bazaar Magazine about some of the latest anti-aging beauty treatments that included this description of a very expensive product developed by Dr. Fredric Brandt to prevent ...

How to Overcome Sweet Holiday Temptations
A big thank you to Connie Bennett for hosting a panel discussion titled How to Overcome Sweet Holiday Temptation: 4 Low-Carb Experts Weight In, yesterday on her blogtalk radio show. Thank you also ...

Gary Taubes at UC Berekey
Gary Taubes gave a presentation at UC Berkeley called "The Quality of Calories; What Makes Us Fat and Why Nobody Seems to Care." If you have read Gary's book, Good Calories, Bad Calories, ...

Postponed again!
My interview on the “What’s Cooking” show on CRN, scheduled for today, was postponed again. I’ll post the new time when I know it, but this time I’ll wait until I see my ...

Sugar Shock Radio Show Appearance
I have been invited to participate in a panel discussion on Connie Bennett’s Sugar Shock Radio show on December 11, at 3:00 PM EST (12:00 noon PST) to talk about how to survive ...

Welcome to www.carbwars.blogspot.com
Look at me; I’m blogging! Welcome to http://www.carbwars.blogspot.com/. I have added this Web log to my Website, which will make it much easier to add content. I’m learning the ropes, so bear with ...

Holiday Indulgence Without January Remorse?
Abundant, rich, delectable, holiday food doesn't have to be fattening. There's a whole new take on what constitutes healthful eating revealed by several best-selling new books, including Good Calories, Bad Calories, by Gary ...

Low-Carb news is looking up
Dr. Eades, http://www.proteinpower.com/, posted today and yesterday (26th and 27th) about a documentary film, by Tom Naughton, that is due out soon. He has a lot of clips from the movie that you ...

Personal Appearances
On November 14th, from 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM, I will be signing books and giving cooking demos with samples at the Town and Country Market on Bainbridge Island. On the same day, ...

Classes in Seattle
On November 3, I will be demonstrating my sugar-free truffle recipe at the Discover U craft fair in Seattle. You can still sign up for it at http://www.discoveru.org/Class.aspx?ClassID=2686 ...

What’s Cooking Show on CRN Digital Radio
Update: This interview has been postponed. I will let you know when it has been rescheduled. I am scheduled for an interview on Tuesday, November 27th, at 8:30 A.M. PST on the "What's ...

Sweeteners Update
I have received questions as to why I did not include some of the all-natural alternatives, like brown rice syrup, agave nectar, and date sugar in the discussion about the different kinds of ...

KABC Los Angeles Talk Radio
I flew to Los Angeles for an interview on the McIntyre in the Morning Show on KABC talk radio on July 23, 2007. I had a great time chatting with Doug and co-host ...

Wishing for a Blue Moon

Fat Phobia
Hooray for Greg Atkinson, food writer for the Pacific Northwest Magazine of the Seattle Times! In his article, "Beyond Fat Phobia," (https://www.seattletimes.com/pacific-nw-magazine/beyond-fat-phobia/) he extols the virtues of butter, bacon, lard, and natural oils ...

Rating Consumers Report
The June, 2007 issue of Consumers Report again disses low carb diets. They point out that the diets were not tested (Isn't that the whole point of Consumers Report? To actually test things?), ...

I received a question about the characteristics of Splenda®, how it works in cooking, and why I use it in some of my recipes. In Carb Wars, I devoted several pages to the ...

Human Anatomy, New and Improved (by Surgery)
I leave it to the professionals, like the Drs. Eades, to give medical advice. That said, I can’t resist speaking out against a practice as outrageous as this one, especially when it concerns ...

Red Meat and Cancer
March 30, 2007 - “Breast Cancer is another reason to limit beef,” reads the headline on an MSNBC story dated March 16, 2007. Similar headlines were featured in various newspapers in response to ...

Low Carb Diet Beats the Others
On March 7, 2007 - Just as my book was rolling off the press, a new study comparing four different diets was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA 2007; ...